Defensive Purpose: The primary function of Hadrian's Wall was to keep out invaders from the north, specifically the Picts. The wall acted as a physical barrier, preventing raids and invasions, and helping to maintain peace in the Roman-controlled territories.
Milecastles and Forts:
Hadrian's Wall, an iconic structure that stretches across northern England, is one of the most significant remnants of Roman Britain. Built during the reign of Roman Emperor Hadrian in the early 2nd century AD, this wall served as a fortification marking the northern boundary of the Roman Empire
While Hadrian's Wall was an impressive structure, its actual effectiveness as a military barrier is a topic of debate. The wall was not designed to completely prevent attacks; rather, it was intended to control and manage threats. Evidence suggests that the Picts, the main group of people living
Hadrian's Wall, an iconic Roman structure located in northern England, has fascinated historians and archaeologists for centuries. Built during the reign of Emperor Hadrian around 122 AD, the wall stretched approximately 73 miles (117 kilometers) from the Irish Sea in the west to the North Sea i